

Sound installations, listening stations with headphones and pieces broadcast intermittently throughout Oil and Cotton AND THEN I WHIRLED AT THE SOUND OF includes local and international sound artists as well as artists who work with sound in addition to other mediums


Martin Back

Iris Bechtol

Rebecca Carter

Joel Chadabe

Janeil Engelstad

Jeff Gibbons

Helen and Newton Harrison

Oto Hudec

G Monet

Carolyn Sortor

Randy Thurman

Charles Underriner

Roberto Zanata


In conjunction with AND THEN I WHIRLED AT THE SOUND OF Oil and Cotton is producing a sound art summer camp for youth, June 9 – June 13. Led by Charles Underriner the camp will include sessions on Deep Listening by Janeil Engelstad. Additionally, the youth will create a sound piece to be included in the exhibition.


Image: Sea Grass Moving in Wind, Cabrillo Highway, California, 2012, by Janeil Engelstad