

In conjunction with the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 2019, Janeil Engelstad is producing a project that examines how performing and visual artists, working at the intersection of art, tech, science and ecology have evolved their work and methodologies over the past three decades. The foundation for this work is Voices From the Center, a project Engelstad produced in the Visegrád countries (Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland) in 2009. In-depth conversations with former dissidents, apparatchiks, scientists, ecologists, artists, academics and villagers examined how the end of socialism impacted their personal and professional lives, as well as society as a whole. The conversations became the basis for a web-based oral history project, exhibitions, public programs, and public art throughout Central Europe and the United States. The Voices From the Center website will be redesigned and re-launched for the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and include new and updated interviews. Additionally, Engelstad is curating a virtualize exhibition and writing an article for Leonardo: Society for Arts, Sciences and Technology, published by MIT that features material and artists from the project. The new website will launch November 9, 2019.